Each month I publish Every Cloud Accounting’s income. Here is the July 2024 monthly income report, along with a review of the month.

My business is failing. I am scared of publishing low revenue. People are going to think I am struggling.

They’re the sort of thoughts bubbling around my brain at the thought of a lower revenue month.

The income reports are all about being honest and transparent, so when I do have a lower month it’s important that I post and highlight it. Growth is rarely linear.

July came and went and I can’t believe this is now the third income report, so lets get stuck in to July.

What went well

    • I had 7 enquiries in July, up from 4 in June. A joint record! (Cue the trumpets)
    • I onboarded 2 new limited company clients in July, both clients who I know I can help.
    • The garage conversion has started, freeeedom! Which I can’t wait to start working in and will be sharing some update photos.
    • I posted on Linky Dink (LinkedIn), a minimum of twice a week throughout the month and had some amazing comments on the IVF post below, which included over 27,000 impressions and 393 likes.
    • Personally, I ran 11 times.

What didn’t go well

  • Revenue decreased by 28%, compared to June, the first time it has dropped since doing the income reports.
  • I wrote 500 words on only eight days in July, ideally I would like to be writing 3 times a week, but it can be a challenge to achieve that consistency.
  • I had two weeks off in July, which ranged from stressful to lovely, I had a week off, then back for a week, then another week off, which I have renamed the stress sandwich. It would have been a lot easier having two weeks off.
  • A lot of client work got held up, which has resulted in a lot of the one off jobs moving to August.
  • Sadly my other grandma died, so it has been a sad few months of loss and funerals.

Building a 6-figure lifestyle business

  • I had 2 x separate weeks in the Cotswolds and Whitstable, I switched off 95% of the time, but did take my laptop to Whitstable and did a few 5am sessions. It didn’t effect my experience and it’s not something I want to make a habit of, but I needed to be flexible.
  • Working in the spare bedroom has remained a challenge, but the garage conversion is in full flow and hopefully with in the next month, my new office will be sorted.
  • Amy’s maternity pay dropped in July, so we have had a real focus on how we can make up the shortfall, which has been a mix of trying to squirrel money away, cut back on bills like EE and increase profit and dividends from the business.
  • I started working out again; as picking up Jesse, is starting to feel like wrestling a baby seal. As usual it’s been added to the streaks app to track.

July 2024 monthly income report

July 2024 monthly income report

July was a lot lower than June and one I was apprehensive about posting. It’s lower, but it’s not ‘I need to live on baked beans’ low. Because of the recurring element of the business, it’s very unlikely to drop below this point. Recurring and one off jobs, create the higher revenue months.

Bring on August, see you in a month! If you like reading the income reports, please drop me an email tom@everycloudaccounting.co.uk, I would love to hear from you.

If you value transparency and want to work with an accountant who can grow a service business with you, book a discovery call today.