Now that you’ve opened up day one on your advent calendar, here are some other dates that are going to be important in December.

If there was ever a month to get things submitted ‘early’ this would be the one!

🚨 WARNING: 🚨There are now only 61 days until the self-assessment deadline. Giddy up and get that return in for Christmas.

HMRC links to make payment:


Corporation Tax 


December Key Tax dates: 1st December: Corporation Tax due - Year end 28th February 2023 7th December: VAT submission & payment - August - October 2023 quarter 22nd December: PAYE payments due 30th December: Submitting your self-assessment and having your tax collected through your PAYE tax code (Less than £3000 tax bill) 31st December: Corporation Tax Return due - Year end 31st December 2022 31st December: Company Accounts due - Year end 31st March 2023 61 days to go: Self-assessment Tax Return 31st January 2024


Here are the previous accounting deadlines:

July 2023

August 2023

September 2023

October 2023

November 2023

As always if you have any questions, drop me a message and if you would like help with your self-assessment, don’t wait any longer.