When small business owners come to us, we hear the same frustrations. So here are the 7 red flags that may mean it’s the right time to change accountants.
When you’re dealing with a supplier like an accountant it can be difficult to objectively rate the level of service you’re getting. It might be the first time dealing with an accountant or you’ve been with yours for a long time, so have nothing to compare to.
Like with any market there’s a whole spectrum of quality of service, some good ones, some bad and a whole load in between.
So here are 7 red flags, they may mean it’s the right time to change accountants
🚩Don’t return your calls – You pick up the phone and call your accountant, firstly do they answer? Not answering can be understandable, but then how long does it take for them to return your call? Or do you have to file a missing person’s report.
🚩Communication – When was the last time you spoke to your accountant? If you haven’t spoken for 3,6 even 12 months, chances are you’re not getting the proactive service you should be getting. If you’re speaking 9 months after your year-end, that ship has sailed my friend.
🚩Unexpected bills – Everyone wants to know roughly how much you’re going to be spending, do you wince at the thought of receiving an unexpected bill, that may land through the post on some nice letter headed paper, puke! Some work yes can be complex and difficult to price, but in 2023 you should be able to receive a quote or rough estimation on the service you’re getting. It shouldn’t be like Deal or No Deal waiting for the amount to appear.
🚩Feeling uncomfortable – How do you feel when you think about calling your accountant, does it make you feel nervous? Even worse, that you may be judged? Chances are, if you feel this way, you’re going to be putting off making those important calls. It’s important you both have an equal relationship and you feel comfortable getting in contact, otherwise what’s the point.
🚩Deadline submitting – Are you finding out your VAT liability on 7th? How many months after your accounting period are your accounts and tax return filed? Are you finding out your personal tax bill in January? Just because it’s a deadline, it doesn’t mean you need to submit it on the last day. The caveat, as long as you’re BOTH organised.
🚩Using old software – Does your accountant recommend desktop software like Sage 50 that was born the same year as Encarta (remember that?!). When you mention the cloud do they just grunt or say it’s a fad. There are loads of amazing software’s out there like Xero, which can make your life sooo much easier!
🚩You don’t feel valued – Everyone wants to feel valued, whether you’re buying a coffee in your local café or a brand-new car. Do you just feel like a number? Does your accountant understand you and your business? Or are they asking the same questions over and over.
How many flags can you relate to?
You’re not trapped in the relationship; the process to change accountants is relatively simple and the majority will be handled by your new accountant.
I hope the red flags are helpful and if you have any questions please just holla.
If your current accountant is not giving you the support you need. Please head to the contact page and drop me a message, I will then be in touch.